Hiding in the back of the drawer

Look what I found in the back of a drawer… my first completed manuscript, finished circa 1996.


One agent (of many) rejected this by saying, “The title is quite clever. The rest is dreadful.”

Or something like that. He was probably right.

Flipped open to page 4 and read this, “It didn’t matter either way because she would never do it. Nope, she told herself. Jessica Fordham Thurston, professor of accounting, wasn’t that bold. In fact, she wasn’t bold at all. She had seen firsthand what those kinds of accusations had done to her parents’ marriage. And she had developed a deep fondness for things as they were, even if they were stagnant. Especially if they were stagnant.”

Ha. As Virginia (Slims) would say, “You’ve come a long way, baby.”